

City of dreams


Rich in opportunity

Technology growth in Vienna is at an all time high, with the number of Tech companies growing 12% each year since 2008!  Without a doubt, such an array of employment opportunities in Technology has attracted many industry leaders. Historically, Vienna is no stranger to attracting those curious and creative minds with past occupants including Sigmund Freud, Mozart and Beethoven.

Holding over 50% of the entire Tech-startups in Austria, it is obvious why Vienna is quickly becoming the hub of European Technology startups. With new Tech companies earning interest from the likes of Adidas, Vienna is the place to be for creative minds. 


The average price of a takeaway coffee is €2.54

Globally, Vienna tops the ranking as the best city for Quality of Living for the 10th year running.

The official language in Vienna is German

Many people are multilingual and speak a variety of languages, including English.

The currency is the Euro or EUR

As of 2021, one euro is equal to around 0.89 UK Pounds or, 1.22 US Dollars.

Over 1.9 million people call Vienna home

The city of Vienna is a perfect metropolis with over 43% of its population being immigrants.

The average price of a takeaway coffee is €2.80

The city is also known as the gastronomical capital of France, with 14 Michelin star restaurants.

MA In Vienna

With France being home to our largest network of tech consultants and long-serving clients, we've reflected that internally with the majority of our consultants dedicated to the French market and collectively covering every single technology we specialise in. 

After over two decades of creating long-term partnerships with clients both in Paris and across France, we now partner with more than 50% of CAC 40 companies.

And thanks to the dedication our teams put into creating honest and open working relationships, we are proud to be still working with the top five consultancies in France after more than 10 years.

year in France
new jobs this year
placements made this year
Company Partners

Meet your local experts

Meet the Vienna team

Per poder dir que controlem un mercat, hem de ser-hi presents físicament i tenir-hi experts locals. Precisament per això hem obert oficines per tot Europa, perquè volem ser a prop vostre. A més, comptem amb consultors nadius que coneixen el mapa de talent local millor que ningú. A continuació teniu més informació sobre les ciutats on ens podeu trobar.

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